Noche de Estrellas
Hello all!
It is time again for Noche de Estrellas, our bilingual public astronomy nights! Our event next Thursday will again be hosted by Orlando Mayen Castañeda, this time talking about the astronomy of the Maya in pre-hispanic Mexico! Please spread the word, especially to anyone you might know *OFF CAMPUS* who would be interested in attending popular science events in Spanish.
For mor information, talk to Orlando or our Noche de Estrellas organizers: Daniela Flores, Joselyn Pinto Garcia, or Eduardo Ibarra Rivera
Hope to see you there,
john m. brewer
Speaker: Orlando Mayen Castañeda
Astronomy of the Maya Civilization
Explore the advanced astronomical knowledge of the Maya civilization; learn how they integrated celestial observation with their culture, architecture, and mythology. Through precise measurements and complex mathematical systems, the Maya developed calendars like the Haab' and Tzolk'in to track planetary cycles and predict celestial events such as eclipses. Buildings were aligned with celestial events, showing their belief that the stars reflected the will of the gods reinforcing their connection. Even with simple tools like crossed sticks, the Maya made accurate observations of the sky, leaving a lasting impact on both science and culture.
Presentador: Orlando Mayen Castañeda
Astronomía de la Civilazación Maya
Explora el conocimiento astronómico de la civilización maya; aprende cómo integraron la observación celestial con su cultura, arquitectura y mitología. A través de mediciones precisas y complejos sistemas matemáticos, los mayas desarrollaron calendarios como el Haab' y el Tzolk'in para seguir los ciclos planetarios y predecir eventos celestiales como los eclipses. Sus edificaciones estaban alineadas con eventos celestiales, reflejando su creencia de que las estrellas mostraban la voluntad de los dioses y reforzaban su conexión con ellos. Incluso con herramientas simples como palos en forma de cruz, los mayas lograron observaciones precisas del cielo, dejando un impacto duradero tanto en la ciencia como en la cultura.