PHYS/ASTR Colloquium: Faculty Mini-Talks I
Monday, September 11, 2023
Event Time 03:30 p.m. - 04:45 p.m.
Thornton Hall 411
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This Monday will feature 5 faculty members giving you brief snapshots of their research interests:
Professor John Brewer: Exoplanetary Science
Professor Kim Coble: Physics & Astronomy Education Research
Professor Charli Sakari: Galactic Archaeology
Professor Weining Man: Quantum Optics & Photonics
Professor Huizhong Xu: Nano-Opto-Biophysics
These mini-talks are a great way to learn about faculty-led research projects and what opportunities are available to join their research endeavors. New students are especially encouraged to attend!
(New graduate students are REQUIRED to attend!)
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